Monday, December 4, 2023

osce and learning points - prefinals


Case report:-

Q.What is the best method to perform hba1c test with highest sensitivity?

The optimal cut-off for diagnosing diabetes in previously undiagnosed adults with HbA1c was estimated as 6.03% with pooled sensitivity of 73.9% and specificity of 87.2%. The optimal cut-off for Fasting Plasma Glucose was estimated as 104 milligram/dL with a sensitivity of 82.3% and specificity of 89.4%.

At present recommended threshold of 6.5%, HbA1c is more specific and less sensitive in diagnosing the newly detected diabetes in undiagnosed population from community settings.

Q.What is insensible fluid loss? How does it effect of syncope.

Insensible fluid loss is the amount of body fluid lost daily that is not easily measured, from the respiratory system, skin, and water in the excreted stool. The exact amount is unmeasurable but is estimated to be between 40 to 800mL/day in the average adult without comorbidities. A total loss of approximately 600 to 800mL/day characterizes 30 to 50% of all water loss, contingent on the level of water consumed. Thus insensible water loss is a significant component of water balance and needs to be routinely monitored.

 Clues to hypovolemia include hydration of mucous membranes, skin turgor, resting heart rate, and intensity of peripheral pulses. Additionally, blood pressure particularly orthostatic changes and urinary output, are also important indicators of fluid status gleaned from a physical examination.


1.What is syncope and it's common causes.

2.clinical conditions which have centripetal obesity and muscle wasting.

3.What is insensible fluid loss and it's significant role in syncope. method to estimate hbA1c levels with highest sensitivity.

5.pedal edema and it's causes.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

PREFINALS LONG CASE:-A 65 yr old female with syncope


 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians' signed informed consent. This Elog reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio.

This is the case of a 65 years old lady ,housewife resident of Chinatunalgudam.

The patient presented to the casualty after an episode of loss of consciousness .

 Patient was apparently asymptomatic six days ago , when she had an episode of loss of consciousness  , associated with sweating , and after walking for a long time . 

Not associated with palpitation , flushing , chest pain , muscle weakness , slurring of speech, headache  . 

The patient was brought to the casualty and given medication and recovered completely  .

6 days ago - History of chest pain ( sudden onset , in the centre of chest , squeezing type , non progressive , not radiating ) with shortness of breath following exertion , which were both relieved on rest . 

She went to an RMP and was given an anti hypertensive agent .( which she consumed for the first time 3 days ago )


No similar complaints in the past 

She is a known case of hypertension since 3days 

Not a known case of diabetes mellitus , asthma , tb , cerebrovascular accidents , coronary artery disease .

No blood transfusions .

History of treatment for cellulitis of leg . 


3 siblings with DM


Mixed diet , normal appetite 

Adequate sleep 

Normal bowel and bladder movements 

No allergies 

Addiction - sutta- 4 cigarettes/ day since 40 years 

Alcohol or toddy - 1 glass daily 

Daily routine 

Wake up - 7 am

8 am - breakfast (rice )and tea 

Afternoon (2:30pm)- lunch ( rice and curry ) 

Dinner - 9pm -rice and curry .

Sleep - 10 pm


The patient is conscious , coherent and cooperative 

Moderately built and moderately nourished 

There is absence of Pallor , icterus cyanosis,  koilonychia, lymphadenopathy . 

Pedal edema present 


BP- 120/80mmHg in sitting position with cuff in the right hand at the level of the heart 

PR- 67 bpm, normal rhythm , 

RR- 20cpm

Temp- Afebrile 



Higher Mental Functions 

Normal speech and language 

Normal memory 

No delusions or hallucinations 

Cranial nerve examination 

- I : Intact bilaterally 

III, IV, VI : Extraocular movements free and full bilaterally 

V : Intact bilaterally 

VII:Intact bilaterally 

VIII: No nystagmus, intact bilaterally 

IX,X : Intact bilaterally 

XII : Intact bilaterally 


Bulk- normal  

Power : normal  power of 

- Shoulder , Elbow , Wrist , Smalll muscle of hand and hand grip bilaterally 

- knee , ankle  bilaterally 

Muscle tone :normal 

Reflexes -normal  : Biceps , triceps , knee jerk , ankle jerk bilaterally 

Cerebellar signs : Normal 

Sensory system examination 

Upper limb : Normal 

Lower limb 

- Crude touch , temperature , fine touch ,vibration sensation present bilaterally 

- Pain sensation is normal bilaterally  


S1 S2 heard , no murmur 

No thrill 

Apical impulse felt 


Normal vesicular breath sounds in all areas 

No adventitious breath sounds


Obese abdomen, umbilicus central and everted 

Soft , non tender 

No hepatomegaly no splenomegaly 


